Immutable NFT scam bots in Telegram

Scammers creating fake bots posing as official Immutable NFT services have become active on Telegram. They may offer free airdrops, bonuses, investment opportunities or technical support, but in reality their goal is to steal your money.

This page collects a list of confirmed scam bots, which is updated regularly. If you encounter a suspicious bot, do not enter your wallets, cid phrases or click on dodgy links.

Be careful: verify information, use only official Immutable sources, and report scammers to protect yourself and the community!

@ImmutableNFTHelpersBot - @ Immutable NFT Helpers Bot

@ImmutableInc_bot - @ Immutable Inc bot

@Manager_Valerya_3918 - @ Manager Valerya 3918

@AirNFTs_OfficialTGbot - @ Air NFTs Official TG bot

@ImmutablHelpersBot - @ Immutabl Helpers Bot

@lmmutabIe_tg_bot - @ lmmutabIe tg bot